[Tex/LaTex] how to use MnSymbol along with other packages


I'm writing a file about algebraic topology, which means that I need all sorts of mathematical symbols, along with many various packages. I tried to use MnSymbol for its various arrows, only to find out that it is incompatible with amssymb and amsfonts.

Cutting out those two packages introduces new problems: \mathbb{..} doesn't work.

How is a mathematician supposed to use MnSymbol?

Currently, I am using the following packages:
etex, babel, inputenc, fontenc, charter, MnSymbol, amsmath, ntheorem, framed, tikz, bookmark, hyperref, xy, mathtools, graphicx, animate, color, subfigure, caption, verbatim, multirow, longtable, wrapfig, cancel, enumitem, tocloft, geometry, stmaryrd, ulem, titlesec, fix-cm.

Best Answer

MnSymbol is indeed imcompatible with amssymb and amsfonts. To use the AMS blackboard font in conjunction with MnSymbol, you can add the following to the preamble of your document:


By the way, which symbol do you use from stmaryrd? If there is a similar symbol in MnSymbol, I would suggest to use that one for more consistency.

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