[Tex/LaTex] How to use \leadsto in LaTeX2e


I tried to draw an arrow with the command


But I get the following exception:

! LaTeX Error: Command \leadsto not provided in base LaTeX2e.

So how can I draw such an arrow?

I tried to import latexsym

But then I get this error:

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.56 ...ecognition, gestures recognition. \leadsto
                                                   Multimodal input system & \\


Best Answer

\leadsto is a math sign and for this only available in math mode.

You must enclose it in dollar signs $...$ (or \(...\) for inline math or use it in display math like \[...\] or the {equation} environment

[…] gestures recognition. $\leadsto$ Multimodal input system & […]