Beamer – How to Use Greek Letters in a Presentation


I would like to include the following line from Wikipedia in a presentation:

στεγανός steganós ‚bedeckt‘ und γράφειν gráphein ‚schreiben‘

But I am unable to convince pdflatex to include the greek letters. I have already tried to use (from: Greek in LaTeX)

\textgreek{στεγανός} steganós ‚bedeckt‘

which printed the Latin text just fine, but the Greek text was not set at all. I would like to avoid using


if possible. I should also mention that I would like to achieve this with TeX Live-only packages.

Best Answer



If German is your main language, it should be specified last, avoiding the need to say \latintext. The main font family should have support for the Greek alphabet; without a minimal example it's hard to tell if it's the case.