[Tex/LaTex] How to use \graphicspath


I am using MikTex 2.9 and TeXstudio for my TeX preparation. I would like to set the path to my figures folder, which contains all the figures, plots etc. required for my work.

I used \graphicspath to set the directory, but it gives me an error message:






Error: Package pdftex.def Error: File `logo.jpg' not found

However, when I prepend the filenames of the images with the same path in the \includegraphics command, it works just fine:






Why is \graphicspath not setting the path?

Best Answer


Try it!

More general case:


The ... is not the part of the syntax for sure! It is there just to represent something like 1,2,3,...,n in a set theory.

If the figures are saved in a sibling directory, use ../ to access the parent directory.
