[Tex/LaTex] how to use fancyhdr package to customize headers in landscape page


I have used the fancyhdr package to customize the header of my pages. However, when I want a page to be landscape (by using the pdflscape package), it does produce a page in landscape orientation, but the header is on the right side of the page (see attached picture). I am using the article document class. Here is my code:

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{\thesection.\ #1}{}}
\lhead{\leftmark} %section 
\rhead{\thepage} %page number


How can I move the header to the top of the page?

this is the result which make me sad

@grimler solved the problem with rotation of the header but now the pictures cannot be in the center and the margines of the landscape page is not symmetric

\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, bottom=2cm, top=3cm]{geometry}


  \caption{Example of a forward looking algorithm that identifies peaks \&     troughs.}




  \caption{Example of a forward looking algorithm that identifies peaks \& troughs.}



enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Same question as keeping-header-on-top-in-landscape-mode?

@touhami provided an excellent answer. Instead of using the landscape environment, change the geometry to landscape using:


and then set the headwidth to the textheight:


Now set the textwidth & textheight locally within a group and write your landscape stuff:

%landscape stuff

and then change back to portrait using the same code (with the difference that the headwidth should be the textwidth).

Full MWE:


