[Tex/LaTex] How to use deluxetable.sty


I'm writing a lab report and it was recommended to use the deluxetable package, which is used by physics journals, etc. Despite the popularity of it, I am having trouble finding any tutorial on it. Can anyone briefly explain how to use deluxetable, i.e the structure and options available?

Thank you.

Best Answer

The structure is similar to a regular table with a few exceptions such as column headers.

A simple table:






 \tablecaption{ Sample Title \label{tab:sample}}

 \colhead{Head 1} & \colhead{Head 2} & \colhead{Head 3} & \colhead{Head 4}& \colhead{Head 5} & \colhead{Head 6} &\colhead{Head 7}& \colhead{Head 8}


 sample 1 & sample 2 & sample 3 & sample 4 & sample 5 & sample 6 & sample 7 & sample 8\\


 \tablecomments{sample comment}




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