[Tex/LaTex] How to use chronology package to draw this timeline


I want to use the chronology package to draw a timeline from 2011 until 2016 where each year should be a major tick and between each major tick, there should be 3 minor ticks.

I tried to implement this like this:



However, this ends up in a timeline like this:


How can I achieve the timeline I want?

Best Answer

The original chronology environment doesn't allow this. Below I defined a markschronology environment which behaves in a similar fashion to chronology (it has the same arguments and it was defined following the original definition) and allows you to specify a number of intermediate ticks; the number of intermediate ticks is controlled by \Marks with default value 0 (i.e., no intermediate ticks):



    \@ifstar{\chronology@startrue\markschronology@i*}  {\chronology@starfalse\markschronology@i*}%



  \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(current bounding box.north)}]%
    \draw [|->] (0,0) -- (\thedeltayears*\unit+\unit, 0);%
    \foreach \x in {1,...,\thedeltayears}
      \draw[xshift=\x*\unit] (0,-0.1\unit) -- (0,0.1\unit);%
    \foreach \x in {1,\@marks,...,\thedeltayears}
      \draw[xshift=\x*\unit] (0,-0.05\unit) -- (0,0.05\unit);%
    \foreach \x in {\thestepstart,\thestep,...,\thestepstop}
        \node at (\xstop,0) [above=.2\unit] {\x};%
        \node at (\xstop,0) [below=.2\unit] {\x};%






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