[Tex/LaTex] How to use BibTeX for putting a nice publication list in resume with document class (res.cls)


I am trying to put a publication list using BibTex into resume. But I do not know why it does not compile?. Here is my effort.

Following is the code that I want to use BibTex for its publication list

   % LaTeX file for resume 
% This file uses the resume document class (res.cls)

%\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty)
%\usepackage{newcent}   % uses new century schoolbook postscript font 
\newsectionwidth{0pt}  % So the text is not indented under section headings
\usepackage{fancyhdr}  % use this package to get a 2 line header
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % suppress line drawn by default by fancyhdr
\setlength{\headheight}{24pt} % allow room for 2-line header
\setlength{\headsep}{24pt}  % space between header and text
\setlength{\headheight}{24pt} % allow room for 2-line header
\pagestyle{fancy}     % set pagestyle for document
\rhead{ {\it J. Razi}\\{\it p. \thepage} } % put text in header (right side)
\cfooJ. Razit{}                                     % the foot is empty
\topmargin=-0.5in % start text higher on the page

\thispagestyle{empty} % this page has no header  
\name{Jack Razi\\[12pt]}% the \\[12pt] adds a blank line after name

{\bf School Address} \\ {NDT Group }\\Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering mechanics\\
  University of Arizona \\   Tucson, AZ 85719 \\ (520) 258-1762}    


\vspace{8pt} % provide vertical space between section title and contents
Applying for Whitenack, Dr. Russell D. Scholarship

{\sl Doctor of Philosophy}, Engineering mechanics\\
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona \hspace{0.2in}  GPA 3.5 \hfill May 2017 \\
Dissertation - Peridynamic model for fatigue crack growth\\
Advisor : Prof. Tribikram Kundu (University of California, Los Angles, 1983)

{\sl Master of Science}, Mechanical and Materials Engineering \\
National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangore \hspace{0.2in}  GPA 4.00 \hfill November 2011 \\
THESIS - Fatigue crack failure of metallic components under variable amplitude loadings\\
 Advisor : Prof Nik Abdullah (Tech. University Berlin, Germany, 1991)\\

{\sl Bachelor of Science}, Mechanical Engineering - Solid mechanics \\ % \sl will be bold italic in
                     % New Century Schoolbook (or
                     % any postscript font) and
                     % just slanted in Computer
                     % Modern (default) font
                     Top 3.5\%,  out of 450,000 applicants in University Entrance National Exam (2002) \\
Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)      \hfill    February 2007

\section{\centerline{PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE}} 
{\sl Bahman (Mazda motor) Co} \hfill        2007-2009 \\
Product Engineering Devision, Tehran, Iran       \hfill   (Product Engineer)

   \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt % reduce space between items
   \item  Working with a core team and internal and external customers to improve design, simulation, processing, and experimental techniques. 
   \item Developed and carried out simulation and experiments to investigate failure modes in components. 
  \item  Developed a full finite element analysis of the radiator shroud with ANSYS in order to find the weakest areas. Fatigue analysis was conducted and a new design was proposed.

{\sl Iran Air} \hfill  May-Aug 2006 \\
Mechanical workshops, Engineering \& Maintenance Department, Tehran, Iran \hfill (Engineering Intern)
  \item  Technical courses including knowledge and practical training facilitated by Mechanical Workshops. 

{\sl Bahman Co } \hfill  May-Aug 2005 \\
R\&D Devison, Tehran, Iran \hfill (Engineering Intern)
  \item  Accurate use of a coordinate measuring machine (CMM with ROMER) 


\section{\centerline{ COMPUTING SKILLS }}
Experienced in ANSYS,  Abaqus,  Matlab,  Fortran, LaTeX


J. Razi, T. Kundu, Crack propagation modeling using Peridynamic theory, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems X, SPIE 2016; Las Vegas; United States\

J. Razi, T. Kundu, Peridynamic modeling for mortar and shape memory alloy mix, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems X,SPIE 2016; Las Vegas; United States\

\vspace{-5pt} % reduce space between section title and contents
      American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) \\
       International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) \\ 


  Research Assistant, University of Arizona (Aug 2013 - May2016)  \\
                  Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona (Aug 2013 - May 2015) \\
              Science Foundation of Ireland Fellowship (Aug 2012 - July 2013) \\
              (SFI Fellowship Award to be a highly significant accomplishment) \\
              Research honorarium, University of Malaya (March 2012 - July 2012)\\
              Graduate Research Assistant, National University of Malaysia (Aug 2009 - March 2012)


Swimming, Traveling 


    \item \bibentry{knuth1986}
    \item \bibentry{lamport1986}


Best Answer

You can use the bibentry package with \nobibliography. Here is a MWE with references stored in ref.bib file:


    \item \bibentry{knuth1986}
    \item \bibentry{lamport1986}

enter image description here

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