Biber – How to Use Biber with Biblatex


Simply put I want to know what steps I need to take to start biber with biblatex. I haven't been able to find any proper tutorials or guides showing how you go about using it instead of BibTeX.

  • What is biber's syntax?
  • How do you compile?
  • Etc.

Are there any tutorials or guides available?

Best Answer

Here is a MWE (not really minimum, but showing some options) that should get you started. Other possible values for the biblatex options are described in the biblatex documentation.





%% ##############################
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet~\citep{kastenholz}.
    At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum~\citet{sigfridsson}.

To compile you should now call pdflatex, biber, pdflatex.
biber operates on the .bcf file, so either use biber %.bcf or (even better) just biber %, where % stands for the basename of your main .tex file.

biblatex-examples.bib is a file that comes with your TeX distribution, you can find it at TEXMF/bibtex/bib/biblatex.biblatex-examples.bibor online. It can be used for testing. Use a different filename for your own .bib file.

The natbib=true option allows you to use citep and citet style citations in you text. This is mainly for compatibility with old code. For new code, use \textcite{} and \parencite{} instead. biblatex knows some more cite commands like \autocite{} or \footcite{}. These are described in the biblatex documentation.

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