[Tex/LaTex] How to use AMA style in latex file


I'm a newbie in latex.I have installed texlive 2014 in centos linux. I have been using apacite for bibliography. Now I need to get AMA citation style.


The above mentioned latex codes for apacite style.


If I run the above code to create AMA style bibliography, am getting an error "amacite.sty not found". And I don't have AMA related files in texlive. So how to download AMA files to texlive and use it in latex file. Pls help!

Best Answer

There is no amacite.sty package but there is an ama.bst bibtex style. It is not part of TeX Live, but you can find it on CTAN, for instance here. You'all have to install it by yourself, in your texmf-local directory, more precisely in \texmf-local\bibtex\misc\ and run texhash. Then use in your document:

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