[Tex/LaTex] How to upload LaTeX manuscript, tables, figures, and auxiliary files to Elsevier’s EES


Can someone who has successfully submitted a LaTeX-based paper to the Elsevier Editorial System please describe the detailed steps needed, so that the paper builds correctly on EES, and can be approved?

In particular, some or all of the following information (which I couldn't find in the EES help/documentation pages) would be helpful:

  • Is there a minimum working example available somewhere, with a manuscript .tex file, separate table and figure files, and bibliography file? (plus whatever other files would be needed)
  • Is there a way to test a document's build with one's local environment, such that if it works locally, will likely work at EES?
  • If you start with a single my-paper.tex and my-bibliography.bib file and can build a PDF correctly from that, what's the process to break up those (two) files into the manuscript+tables+figures+aux pieces that EES can build from?

Best Answer

I submitted a manuscript written in LaTeX a few months ago to an Elsevier journal. I simply uploaded the pdf I had built as the main document and supplied the.tex and .bib files as "supplemental files not for publication and not for review". I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it worked without any problems and I've always sumbitted my LaTeX papers this way.

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