[Tex/LaTex] How to update \sectiontitle and \chaptertitle with \putbib and \bibliography


  • Pagestyles are defined with titlesec. A two-sided template is used, and in the main pagestyle \chaptertitle is shown in the header of even pages and \sectiontitle in the odd ones.

  • natbib is used to allow for author citation (\citeauthor). In addition, the \bibsection command is provided, which I renewed to have \section*{} titles when showing partial lists and \chapter*{} when showing the global references list.

  • bibunits is used to define and show partial references lists.

I want \sectiontitle and \chaptertitle to be updated with \putbib or \bibliography so that the headers show \bibname, instead of the previous section/chapter. But, since starred variants are used, I can't get it done.

I've tried renewing them by hand just before calling \putbib or \bibliography:


but I get no difference.

Do you know how to update the headers when starred chapters or sections are created?






\newpagestyle{main}{ \headrule \footrule %head and foot rules
 \sethead[][][\chaptertitle] %head-even
 {\sectiontitle}{}{} %head-odd
 \setfoot[][\thepage][] %foot-even
 {}{\thepage}{} %foot-odd





  \lipsum[1-5] \cite{IEEEexample:article_typical}

  \section{First section}
  \cite{IEEEexample:shellCTANpage} \lipsum[1-4]

  \section{Second section}
  \lipsum[2-6] \cite{IEEEexample:IEEEwebsite} \lipsum[7-11]





I would like the headers in pages 5, 7 and 8 to display \bibname. Page 6 is correct, since it is the even page of the first chapter (Introduction).

After the answer by @cfr, y tried the next change:


instead of




instead of


And it works!

If biblatex is used instead of natbib, it may be accomplished with:


Best Answer

Not fully tested as I can't compile the MWE properly:







  \lipsum[1-5] \cite{schreiber86}

  \section{First section}
  \cite{hestenes58} \lipsum[1-4]

  \section{Second section}
  \lipsum[2-6] \cite{rutishauser66} \lipsum[7-10]




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