[Tex/LaTex] How to underline name of specific authors in biblatex


My goal is to underline the name of specific authors in a bibliography processed by biber/biblatex.

I can make them in bold following https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/73246/127979 and https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/274571/127979

Here is a MWE:


  AUTHOR = {InBold, to Put and Author, Non bold  and Highlight, Shine and  Ano, therOne},
  TITLE = {The title},
  BOOKTITLE = {The conference},
  PAGES = {65--78},
  YEAR = 2014}




  \def\do##1{\iffieldequalstr{hash}{##1}{\bfseries\bgroup \listbreak}{}}%

  \def\do##1{\iffieldequalstr{hash}{##1}{\egroup \listbreak}{}}%



  {4fcd4bca11ef811f3aef17c792b6ef3e}, % InBold
  {01b588ba4e4ad753feae6c81709fc04b}} % Highlight




But, if I try to underline them, either

  • by replacing the \bfseries by \uline, I get the error:

    ./MWE.tex:47: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
    \UL@stop ... \UL@putbox \fi \else \egroup \egroup 
                                                  \UL@putbox \fi \ifnum   \UL@...l.47 
    ./MWE.tex:47: Undefined control sequence.
    \UL@leaders ...L@skip \tw@ \UL@pixel \UL@leadtype 
                                                  \LA@hskip \UL@skip    \LA@hsk...l.47 
    ./MWE.tex:47: Missing } inserted. 
    <inserted text> 
  • by adding \useunder{\uline}{\bfseries}{} before \printbibliography, this results in an error:

    Runaway argument?
    {{\@hangfrom {\hskip \z@ }\interlinepenalty \@M \refname \@@par }\endgroup \ETC.
    ! File ended while scanning use of \UL@on.
    <inserted text> 
    <*> \input MWE.tex
    ! Emergency stop.
    <*> \input MWE.tex
    !  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

I suspect that this is related to the need of a \uline{} while {\bf } is sufficient for bold, but I may be missing something.

Is there any way to achieve this? Do I have to patch a style-specific macro like in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/31202/127979?

Best Answer

Using uline is very difficult. The following solution provides a method which doesn't allow a linebreak at the highlighted author.

Using this you have to remove the following line


Therefor your need an other patch which only holds the name.


After this you have to save the highlighted name inside a savebox to use \uline later:


  \def\do##1{\iffieldequalstr{hash}{##1}{\bfseries\setbox\savenamebox\hbox\bgroup \listbreak}{}}%


The complete example is here:


  AUTHOR = {InBold, to Put and Author, Non bold  and Highlight, Shine and  Ano, therOne},
  TITLE = {The title},
  BOOKTITLE = {The conference},
  PAGES = {65--78},
  YEAR = 2014}





  \def\do##1{\iffieldequalstr{hash}{##1}{\bfseries\setbox\savenamebox\hbox\bgroup \listbreak}{}}%





  {4fcd4bca11ef811f3aef17c792b6ef3e}, % InBold
  {01b588ba4e4ad753feae6c81709fc04b}} % Highlight




enter image description here

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