[Tex/LaTex] How to tweak the font of page number in the whole document


First fancyhdr is loaded to change the font of page number.

The following commands are used to change the font to sans serif:

\fancyhead[LO]{ \sffamily \thepage }
\fancyhead[RE]{ \sffamily \thepage }

However, in the first page of TOC, LOT, LOF and Chapter, the font is still serif.

Moreover, how to change the font of the page numbers (for chapters, sections, subsection, figures and tables) in TOC, LOT, LOF, including the Roman/roman number style for frontmatters as well?

Is the a simple command to change this font for the whole document (book, report or article)?



\fancyhf{} % remove everything     
\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields  


\newcommand{\vertline} {\smash{\rule[-.5ex]{1pt}{5in}}}  % head line
\fancyhead[LO]{ \sffamily  \thepage {} {} {}      {   \vertline   {} {}       \nouppercase \leftmark}  }
\fancyhead[RE]{ \sffamily { {  \nouppercase \rightmark {} {}   \vertline   {} {} {}  }\thepage } }  %
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{ 0.0 pt}

\newcommand{\myfig}{\begin{figure}\caption{A figure caption}\end{figure}}
\newcommand{\mytab}{\begin{table}\caption{A table caption}\end{table}}




Best Answer

You can use \fancypagestyle:

\fancyhf{} % remove everything     
\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields  

\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\if@mainmatter\chaptername\ \thechapter\quad\fi#1}{}}

\newcommand{\vertline}{\smash{\rule[-.5ex]{1pt}{5in}}}  % head line


Instead of eye computed spacings, it's better to use known lengths, for instance \quad. Don't forget to set \headheight to a correct value, as recommended in the log file by fancyhdr