[Tex/LaTex] how to turn latex figure by 90 degrees along with the caption?


The following code rotates the figure as I want to, so now my Y axis is parallel to the shorter edge of my A4 sheet. However, my caption is still parallel to the shorter edge of my sheet.

How can I make the caption follow the figure and be parallel to the large edge of my sheet?


\includegraphics[width=1.3\textwidth, angle =90 ]{Graphs/1.png}
\caption{Box plot of number of positions sent per iteration using this scheme}


Best Answer

The rotating package introduces a sidewaysfigure environment that lends itself well to that:




        \fill[blue] (0,0) rectangle(2,1.5);  
    \caption{Box plot of number of positions sent per iteration using this scheme}


enter image description here