[Tex/LaTex] How to trim the length of \toprule?


How to trim \toprule (from booktabs package)?

It is probably something basic I'm missing, but I need it and it's nowhere to be found.

Best Answer

If I understand your objective correctly, you want the lines generated by \toprule -- and by \midrule and \bottomrule too, right? -- start at the left-hand edge and end at the right-hand edge of the contents of the table.

To achieve this objective, you could specify @{} as the first and last items in the argument of a tabular, tabular*, tabularx, etc. environment:

\begin{tabular}{ @{} lccr @{} } % @{} suppresses the whitespace in the corresponding position
long story & about & absolutely & nothing \\
aa & bb & cc & dd\\
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{First thoughts \dots }\\     % note the @{} item before "l"
& & \multicolumn{2}{r@{}}{\dots Final thoughts}\\  % note the @{} item after "r"

enter image description here

The MWE also illustrates that if your table has \multicolumn directives that encompass the first or final columns of the table, you'll again need to supply @{} items, as appropriate, this time in the second argument of the \multicolumn command.

By the way, I believe that suppressing the whitespace at the far left and far right edges of a table is something that the author of the booktabs package recommends doing; see, e.g., the tabular environment at the top of page 5 of the package's user guide; the output of that code is shown on p. 2 of the guide.

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