[Tex/LaTex] How to suppress insertion of letter labels after year for references from the same year


I hope this is a simple question, but I've been googling it all evening and haven't made much progress. I am currently working on converting my CV to LaTeX (which is going quite well), but I've come across one hurdle: I have many BibTeX entries from the same year. In a typical paper, these references should be given individual identifiers (e.g. Author, 1990a; Author, 1990b; and so on), however, in a CV, this looks a little silly.

Does anyone know how I can disable the automatic lettering of references from the same year?

I am using natbib and bibentry and the apalike bibliography style


\usepackage{csquotes, natbib, bibentry, anysize, titlesec}
\titlespacing*{\subsubsection}{10pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\newcommand{\bibverse}[1]{\begin{verse} \bibentry{#1}. \end{verse}}



Best Answer

Find the file apalike.bst in your TeX distribution (likely in a spot such as .../bibtex/bst/apalike, where ... is a root directory of the TeX distribution), make a copy of it and name the copy, say, my-apalike.bst. Open the new file in an editor of your choice and search for the function FUNCTION {output.year.check} (probably starting around line 120 of the file). In this function, locate the line:

    " (" year * extra.label * ")" *

Remove the substring extra.label *. I.e., the line should now read as follows:

      " (" year * ")" *

Save the file (either to your current working directory or in some directory that's searched by TeX's filename database operations, and update the TeX filename database if necessary) and be sure to use the instruction


from now on.

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