Math Mode Color – How to Strike Through or Cancel Using Different Colors in the Same Line


For example, suppose I had an equation

x = 2 + 1 – 2 – 1 (obviously toy example)

I want the +2 to cancel out with the -2, +1 to cancel out with the -1

So in Latex I would want something like

enter image description here

Is there a simple way to implement multi-colored strike through or cancel in Latex?

enter image description here

A similar question is found here but it is for global coloring
crossing out using different colour

Best Answer

One possibility is to use cancel. (EDIT: Replaced \textcolor by color, big thanks to Werner!)


enter image description here

Note, however, that an ambient color will be without effect, i.e. instead of {\color{green}\Cancel[blue]{2}+\Cancel[red]{1}} you'd need to do \Cancel[blue]{\color{green} 2}+\Cancel[red]{\color{green} 1} unfortunately. I guess that there will be better ways and am looking forward to learn new tricks.

EDIT: Just for fun: a TikZ version. The option X will do an \xcancel sort of cross out.

  \tikz[baseline=(X.base),inner sep=0pt] {\node (X) {$#2$};
  \draw[#1,overlay,shorten >=-2pt,shorten <=-2pt] (X.south west) -- (X.north east);
    \draw[#1,overlay,shorten >=-2pt,shorten <=-2pt] (X.north west) -- (X.south east);   
  \tikz[baseline=(X.base),inner sep=0pt] {\node (X) {#2};
  \draw[#1,overlay,shorten >=-2pt,shorten <=-2pt] (X.south west) -- (X.north east);
    \draw[#1,overlay,shorten >=-2pt,shorten <=-2pt] (X.north west) -- (X.south east);

 \Cancel[blue]{2}-\Cancel[red, line width=1pt]{\frac{1}{2}}\]

enter image description here