[Tex/LaTex] How to strike out an entire group of text


I am using the command \sout{some text} to strike out a word or a sentence; However, I wanted to know if it is possible to strike out a group of text without having to use the braces { and }.

Something similar to what {\color{red} some text} is to \textcolor{red}{some text}, or something like \begin{sout} and \end{sout} (this doesn't work!)

Best Answer

This uses a variation on my censor package to accomplish the strikeout, since the \xblackout macro of that package can work across paragraph boundaries (but not across math, which the OP clarified is not needed).

To make the \xblackout macro operate as an environment, I used the environ packages feature of \BODY. Even so, I had to go through an intermediate macro \soutrefunexp in order to expand \BODY once, to make it digestible to \xblackout.

\censorruleheight=.1ex %THICKNESS OF CENSOR RULE
  \kern -\nextcharwidth%
What is this?

Another paragraph.

What is this?

Another paragraph.

What is this?

Another paragraph.

enter image description here

Replacing \xblackout with \blackout produces the following slightly different result:

enter image description here

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