TikZ Styles – How to Split TikZ Rectangle by Half with Different Colors and Text Lines


So I have tkiz style:

       rounded corners,
       draw=black, very thick,
       minimum height=2em,
       inner sep=2pt,
       text centered,

How I can split this rectangle to two parts, with different colors, like:

| red|

And how I could write text in different lines, but in same part. Or I should another command?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The rectangle split shape from the shapes.multipart library can do this.

enter image description here

       rectangle split,
       rectangle split parts=2,
       rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},
       rounded corners,
       draw=black, very thick,
       minimum height=2em,
       text width=3cm,
       inner sep=2pt,
       text centered,
\node [state] {text\\txet \nodepart{two} blue background \\ here};
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