[Tex/LaTex] How to Spell-Check LaTeX in multiple languages / language variants


I am writing a PhD Thesis / Dissertation and would like to be able to spell-check the thing. The problem is that I'm required to write it in UK English, while many of my quotations are written in US English. This makes spell-checking quite a pain.

Is there a way to tag sections of LaTeX text as being UK English / US English, and have a spell-checker either respond to that tagging or skip the sections which aren't in the particular language variant?

I've asked this over at https://stackoverflow.com/posts/4451944 but couldn't really get resolution as to the best way to do this.


I'm using TeXnicCenter with the latest version of MikTex.

This is for a PhD thesis of between 70 and 100,000 words. Most sources are in U.S. English, while the thesis must be written in U.K. English. There are literally hundreds of quotations, so exporting them is probably not reasonable.

Best Answer

One editor-independent approach would be to save the quotes into a separate file. You could do this in a single quotes.tex file, which might contain

\newcommand*\getquote[1]{\csname quote#1\endcsname}
\expandafter\def\csname quote1\endcsname
    Some American text about color!%
\expandafter\def\csname quote2\endcsname
    Another quote about neighbors.%

You could then have \input{quotes} in your main preamble, and call quotes by doing \getquote{1}, etc. (I've defined the quotes with numbers as that seemed easiest, but you might want to give them names instead.)

Now, I don't know how long your quotes are, how many there are, and so on. So this approach might not be practical. However, it is hopefully a start.