[Tex/LaTex] How to specify number of rows and columns for subfigures


I am currently studying the answers to this question about subfigures for use in my writing. The results are impressive especially for the last answer posted for the question. However, I didn't find how the number of rows and columns of the graphs i.e subfigures can be specified. I have tried using "subfig" in the last answer. This works fine. Besides, it automatically arranges the sub-figures. However, when I try to increase the size of the sub-figures, it exceeds the bounds of the page. I hope someone could share how the number of rows and columns for the graphs to be specified, or how the whole figure (including all sub-figures) can be scaled. I didn't repeat the code to avoid monotony and redundancy.

Edit: I include a MWE


\subfloat[A subfigure]{%
\subfloat[A subfigure]{%
\subfloat[A subfigure]{%
\subfloat[A subfigure]{%
\caption{Arranged sub-figures}\label{fig:1}

Best Answer

The subcaption package provides the subfigure environment. subfloat is from the subfig package. Try this:


% Put a blank line here to divide into two rows
\caption{Arranged sub-figures}\label{fig:1}

enter image description here

As BambOo noted, you can squeeze them a little more if you don't need any horizontal space between the figures by addin %s after the \end{subfigure} and increasing the widths like


\caption{Arranged sub-figures}\label{fig:1}

enter image description here