[Tex/LaTex] How to specify B5 in tufte-book


I'm having trouble creating a working b5 layout with tufte-book. According to their documentation, this is supported:

The Tufte-LATEX classes currently only provide three paper sizes:
a4, b5, and us letter.

I'm however confused because nowhere it says how we're supposed to change it to b5. I tried \documentclass[b5paper]{tufte-book} but the result has visual flaws (e.g. the title is clipped at the sides, so is chapter numbering, etc.) – it seems like it's the wrong way to do it. Also, the documentation says the b5paper option is unsupported:

The tufte-book class is based on the LATEX book document class.
Therefore, you can pass any of the typical book options. There are
a few options that are specific to the tufte-book document class,

The a4paper option will set the paper size to a4 instead of the
default us letter size.

The following book class options are unsupported: 10pt, 11pt,
12pt, a5paper, b5paper, […]

So – What's the correct way to change it to a working b5 layout?

Best Answer

The b5paper option seems to work fine. Here the showframe facility from geometry (which the class loads) is used to illustrate:

B5 layout

  \chapter{A chapter}
  \section{A section}
  \chapter{Another chapter}
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