[Tex/LaTex] How to solve subcaption package compatibility issue when using babel package with arabic option


I am trying to include some Arabic text but I am getting the following error:

! Package caption Error: The `subcaption' package does not work correctly
(caption)                in compatibility mode.

Here is a MWE which produces the error:


 اللغة العربية

Any idea how to solve this?

Best Answer

I opened an issue at https://gitlab.com/axelsommerfeldt/caption/issues/5 but I'm having a hard time adapting the caption/subcaption package to the arabic babel package. Since I don't know the Arabic language I can only compare the outcome without and with (sub)caption package, and if they are not the same I can assume I've done something wrong.

But the outcome of the arabic babel package looks inconsistent to me:


\caption{اللغة العربية}
\caption{اللغة العربية اللغة العربية اللغة العربية اللغة العربية اللغة العربية اللغة العربية}

babel-arabic captions

Which ones of the two captions have the correct caption label formatting? Should it be on the left or on the right of the caption text? And how about the caption label itself? Should it read "Figure 1.0" (like in the long caption) or "1.0 Figure" (like in the short one)?

So I need assistance here from a person who is familiar with typography of Arabic language. If you want to help me and make an adaption of the caption/subcaption package to Arabic happen, please contact me. You'll find my e-mail address in the README of the caption package bundle: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/caption/README


Addendum 2018-05-29: Is this correct a correct caption layout? enter image description here

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