[Tex/LaTex] How to show the location of a conference in BibTeX


I have a bibliography of sources in computer science, many of which are conference papers. For these, I use the inproceedings entry type. This includes an "optional" or "nonstandard" location field, which is where I and my lab colleagues have always stored the location where the conference had taken place. However, none of the styles I have tried to use so far display the location field. So I have two questions:

  1. What styles show the location field, at least for an inproceedings entry?
  2. How does one normally or usually show the location of a conference, if the location field doesn't work with the usual styles (e.g., plain, ams, ieeetr, amsplain)? Do you use the address field?

Best Answer

  1. The styles aomalpha.bst and aomplain.bst that I've updated and currently support for The Annals of Mathematics have VENUE field for conference proceedings.

  2. If the bib style does not have VENUE, I usually put the location in the ADDRESS field - there is a certain abuse of the field since it is supposed to be the publisher's address, but this probably can be forgiven. For example,

       title =        {ION GPS-94 Proceedings},
       year =         1994,
       booktitle =    {ION GPS-94 Proceedings},
       number =       7,
       series =       {International Technical Meeting of
                  The Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation},
       month =        {September},
       address =      {Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT},
       organization = {Institute of Navigation}

    Of course, VENUE field is better :)