[Tex/LaTex] How to show the full remainder in polynomial long division



The remainder provided by polynom.sty is NOT complete (as shown in the following figure).

alt text

My Objective

When I was in senior high school, my teacher made the diagram like below. 🙂

Thus the final step must show the TOTAL remainder and mark it with L-shaped curve.


I am sorry. The previous post I forgot to put back -1/4 in the original position. It have made you confused. Now there is no mistake anymore. 🙂

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Minimal Code


        \ifx B\pld@style\else
        \advance\@tempcnta\pld@maxcol\relax \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
        \ifx B\pld@style
            \pld@if \pld@leftdelim
              \else \pld@PrintPolyShadow \fi
                  \frac{\let\strut\@empty\pld@firsttrue \expandafter




Best Answer

The following code should work; I've included a few test cases. To keep the code shorter, I didn't include your changes to the style of the output (red color, and bar between dividend and divisor instead of parenthesis). My changes and additions to polynom are marked with !!!.


        {\expandafter\pld@insert@remainder                       % !!!
         \pld@last@remainder+\relax\relax}                       % !!!
\def\pld@insert@remainder#1+#2\relax{%                           % !!!
    \ifx\relax#1\relax\else\pld@InsertItems\@empty\@empty{#1}\fi % !!!
    \ifx\relax#2\relax\else\pld@insert@remainder#2\relax\fi}     % !!!
        \let\pld@last@remainder\@empty                           % !!!
        \ifx\relax#3\relax \let\pld@next\@empty \else
          \pld@if \pld@InsertItems{#3}{#3}{}\fi
         \pld@if \expandafter\pld@InsertItems\expandafter
          \pld@if \pld@InsertItems{#3}{#3}{}\fi
          \pld@if \pld@InsertItems{#1}{}{#1}\fi
    \fi \fi
    \def\pld@last@remainder{#1}}                                 % !!!






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