Math Mode Greek Letters – Setting Uppercase Greek Letters as Italic by Default


This is a follow up question to here.

The recommended solution doesn't work for me. I therefore let all my mathematical packages in the MWE. The result is an upright Psi followed by an italic Psi. I would like to have all upper-case Greeks being italic in formulas. The possibility to set one character upright (for a constant, an operator…) would be great. Therefore I wonder, if there is a more beautiful solution around.


\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}
$\Psi \varPsi$

Edit My knowledge over the used math-packages is quite small. Don't know, if I use them at all (amssymb and mathtools). If they are obsolete or not recommended for typesetting in Germany (English and German) or if something is missing for typical formula setting, I would be glad for every advise.

Best Answer

My advice is to use unicode-math:

\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}




$\Psi \symup{\Psi}$

enter image description here

You can see that the default is slanted, but with \symup you can get the upright letter.

With unicode-math you don't need amssymb. Load mathtools, if you want it, in place of amsmath before unicode-math.

Don't load commath: it is buggy.

Note: in the previous version of the code \mathup was used, but unicode-math underwent some changes and now \symup is the command to use for this purpose.