[Tex/LaTex] How to set the width of a landscape figure to the textwidth


I would like to have a figure in landscape format to fill the whole page, i.e. I would like the width to be the textheight of a portrait page or the textwidth of a landscape page, respectively.

Here is an example of my code:

\documentclass[a5paper, 11pt]{scrbook}


 \caption{Example Figure}

When running this through pdfLaTeX I get a landscape figure that is as wide as the textwidth of a portrait page.



does not change the output.

How can I get the figure to fill the whole page?

I cannot include figure.pdf since this format is not allowed to upload, but you can find figure.png further down.

The following is the code content of figure.pdf_tex:

 \errmessage{(Inkscape) Color is used for the text in Inkscape, but the 
package 'color.sty' is not loaded}%
 \errmessage{(Inkscape) Transparency is used (non-zero) for the text in Inkscape, but the package 'transparent.sty' is not loaded}%
  \setlength{\unitlength}{\unitlength * \real{\svgscale}}%


Best Answer

Try \linewidth. It works for me with \resizebox.

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