[Tex/LaTex] How to scale a Gantt figure



I was trying to scale a Gantt chart in order to fit in to a Beamer presentation.

Suppose I have some gantt chart bigger than the presentation rectangle:


     %% lots of activities
     %% lots of activities

How can I scale this figure to fix in a beamer frame?

If I was using some PNG image, surely I will make this:


But in gantt environment there is no (at least I don't know yet) a way to scale.

Best Answer

Since the gantt is based on TikZ, forcing the scale externally also works. I didn't check the code carefully but maybe there is a possibility to supply the options directly to the gantt environment. It has it's own key system but it didn't recognize the scale options.

\tikzset{every picture/.style={yscale=0.3,transform shape}}
     %% lots of activities
     %% lots of activities

\tikzset{every picture/.style={yscale=1,transform shape}}
     %% lots of activities
     %% lots of activities


enter image description here Note also that there is another TikZ based package pgfgantt.