[Tex/LaTex] How to represent cross and tick in itemize bullets


I have a an itemize environment in LaTeX. How can I represent a tick and a cross symbol instead of a dot?

Best Answer

With the enumitem package you can use label={} to specify it on a per instance basis, or use \setlist[itemize,<n>]{label=<symbol>} to set it based on the nesting level, where: <symbol> is to be used at the given nesting level <n>:

enter image description here

Here I have used the \checkmark from the amsfonts package, but you can use any symbol you like.





    \item foo

    \item bar

    \item foo
        \item bar
            \item abc
                \item def

    \item bar

Without the enumitem package you could use \renewcommand{\labelitem<n>}{<symbol>} to redefine the marker, where <n> is a roman numeral (i, ii, iii, or iv) representing the nesting depth of itemize. The following yields a similar result to above:


    \item foo

    \item bar

    \item foo
        \item bar
            \item abc
                \item def

    \item bar