[Tex/LaTex] How to represent a mathematical function in LaTeX?


I want to write something like

F : X —-> Y

x |—> 2x

in LaTeX where the

x |—> 2x

appears directly below

F : X —-> Y

Any suggestions on how to do this?

Best Answer

This should be the right approach:


F\colon & X \rightarrow Y \\
        & x \mapsto 2x

enter image description here

If you prefer a different alignment move the &:


F\colon X & \rightarrow Y \\
        x & \mapsto 2x

enter image description here

If you also prefer longer arrows, use \longrightarrow and \longmapsto:


F\colon X & \longrightarrow Y \\
        x & \longmapsto 2x

enter image description here