[Tex/LaTex] How to represent a house of cards


I would like to represent the construction of a house of cards, probably in tikz. Before creating my own, has anyone done anything similar?

A 3 storey house of cards represented by lines

Best Answer

\draw (-0.45,0.1) -- (0,0.9) -- (0.45,0.1) (-0.45,0) -- (0.45,0);}}]
 \path foreach \Y in {1,2,3}
  {foreach \X in {1,...,\Y} {(\X-\Y/2,1-\Y) pic{Lam}}};

enter image description here

Here is a version (more faithful to the original post) without lines at the bottom and much more. You only need to say

\path pic{card house=3};

See the examples in

    \draw (-0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0.1) -- 
    (0,\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{height}) -- (0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0.1) 
     \ifnum#1<\pkv{cutoff} (-0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0) -- (0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0)
    pics/card house/.style={code={
     \path foreach \Y in {1,...,#1}
      {foreach \X in {1,...,\Y} 
       -\Y*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/Lam/height}) pic{Lam=\Y}}};
 \path pic{card house=3} (4,0) pic[red]{card house=4} (9,0) pic[blue,thick]{card house=5};  

enter image description here

What could this be good for? Oh, of course!

    \draw (-0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0.1) -- 
    (0,\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{height}) -- (0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0.1) 
     \ifnum#1<\pkv{cutoff} (-0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0) -- (0.5*\pkv{shrink}*\pkv{width},0)
    pics/card house/.style={code={
     \path foreach \Y in {1,...,#1}
      {foreach \X in {1,...,\Y} 
       -\Y*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/Lam/height}) pic{Lam=\Y}}};
    tikzling/.is if=tikzling
 \path[/tikz/Lam/.cd,height=3,width=3,tikzling=true]  pic[blue,thick]{card house=5};  

enter image description here