[Tex/LaTex] How to repeat over all characters in a string


I have a command that formats a single character, let's call it \d{}. (In my case, \d{} adds a dot under a Chinese character, as this is the custom to emphasize Chinese texts).

I want to define a new command \ds{} such that it applies \d{} over every letter of the string.

For example \ds{abc} would be equivalent to \d{a}\d{b}\d{c}.


Best Answer

You can use \@tfor. I provide also a better redefinition of the dot under according to your wish:







enter image description here

What does \@tfor do? Its syntax is

\@tfor<scratch macro>:=<tokens>\do{<code>}

The scratch macro is traditionally \next, but it can be anything. The <tokens> part is any (brace balanced) list of tokens. In the loop, LaTeX essentially does \def<scratch macro>{<next token>}, so


will perform


However, with \@tfor\next:=d {sa}\do{\d{\next}} we will just obtain


Explicit space tokens are ignored and braced groups of tokens are treated as one.

The expl3 analog is \tl_map_inline:nn:



  \tl_map_inline:n { #1 } { \d { ##1 } }




x\ds{d sa{bc}}x


No scratch macro is used: the current item in the loop is denoted by #1 (which becomes ##1 in the body of a definition, as usual).

In this particular case where just a single command is applied with the current item as argument, one can use \tl_map_function:nN:

  \tl_map_function:n { #1 } \d

which has the same effect and is shorter. It can also appear in a full expansion context (not for this particular case, because of \d).

enter image description here

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