[Tex/LaTex] How to remove the blank page after the main title Appendix


I am using a thesis template. My problem is similar to
How to remove empty page after appendix and the next chapter?

Yes, I have tried all those solutions but no one works for my template.

The blank page comes out after a main title 'Appendix' which occupies one entire page and followed by a blank. Then, the 'Appendix A' comes out.

This is the appendix.

Best Answer

Try using this for your style document

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper,twoside, openany]{memoir}

the default option is openright instead of openany, and that will remove your blank pages.


I deleted \usepackage{frbib} and replaced your last lines by

\usepackage{lipsum} % for example

\section{Section title}

% *************** Fin du style ***************
%\input{front.tex} % I don't have this file
\begin{otherlanguage}{english}     % Added on 17 April, 2014.
%\input{pubs/pubs.tex}                  % Publications
% bibliographie

% *************** Appendices ***************

\section{Appendix section title}

% *************** Back matter ***************


It works just fine, so your problem should come from \input{app1/app1.tex}.