[Tex/LaTex] How to remove header in list of figures, tables, and bibliography (book class)

booksheader-footerpage-numberingtable of contents

I redefined how chapter* environment appears in book class as follows:

    \parindent 0pt \Large%\bfseries
    \markright{}%remove header

List of figures, List of tables, and Bibliography all use chapter* internally, but for some reason they keep the header, as shown below.


How can I remove the header in the mentioned three environments?

Best Answer

I would not modify the definition of \chapter*. Instead, simply change




This ensures that the plain page style, which typesets the page number in the middle of the footer line, is in force for the output of \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, and \listoftables. The \begingroup and \endgroup statements serve to "localize" the scope of the \pagestyle{plain} directive.

Addendum: For the bibliiography, I suggest you employ the following coding eye:

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} % optional
\bibliography{mylib} % if entries are in file 'mylib.bib'

This assumes that you have a suitable \bibliographystyle directive somewhere else in the document, along with all required \cite instructions.

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