[Tex/LaTex] How to remove header and footer in Table of contents and LOF and LOT


I have used fancyhdr package for giving header and footer for my report work and to give header and footer for chapter name beginning, I have used this code:


This code works to insert header and footer for chapter beginning. But it also adds header and footer for TOC, LOF and LOT. I don't need header and footer for those. Can anyone help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can define two different page styles: one for the TOC, LOF and LOT and another for the main text.



\fancypagestyle{front}{% style for TOC, LOF, LOT
\fancypagestyle{main}{% style for the mainmatter
  \fancyhead[C]{\slshape \leftmark}

\frontpagestyle% switch to the pagestyle front

\mainpagestyle% switch to the pagestyle main

