[Tex/LaTex] How to remove frame title from only a single slide within a frame, including vertical spacing/placeholder



Is there a way to temporarily completely remove the frame title from a single slide of a given frame? By completely remove, I mean the vertical space for the title as well.

What I've tried

I tried using the \begin{frame}{\only<...>{...}} technique, but it preserves the vertical spacing.


Midway through one of my slides while I'm deep within a itemize environment with overlay specifications, I want to display a large full-screen figure. During this full-screen part, I want the frame title to be non-existent (as if it were specified with \frame{}). After the full-screen image, I want the title and the rest of itemization to reappear.

I can implement all of this except removing the frame title from a single slide.





\begin{frame}[t]{Frame number 1}
        \item This is frame number 1. 
            Compare the vertical placement of this itemize environment 
            to that on the next frame.

        \item This is frame number 2. Note that this second frame has no vertical space for the title.

\begin{frame}[t]{\only<1,3>{Frame number 3}}
        \item <1-> I want the title showing on this slide, as it does.
        \item <2-> I want the title completely gone here, 
            including the vertical space it occupies. 
            (In my actual presentation, there will be a full-screen 
            figure in this position, 
            and the itemize environment will disappear.
        \item <3-> I want the title to come back

Best Answer

Well I suppose I should have tried for another 10 minutes.

I solved the issue by using surrounding a \frametitle command within an \only command. (In an earlier attempt, I reversed the nesting, which obviously didn't work.

Here it is in action:




\begin{frame}[t]{Frame number 1}
        \item This is frame number 1. 
            Compare the vertical placement of this itemize environment 
            to that on the next frame.

        \item This is frame number 2. Note that this second frame has no vertical space for the title.

    \only<1,3>{\frametitle{Frame number 3}}
        \item <1-> I want the title showing on this slide, as it does.
        \item <2-> I want the title completely gone here, 
            including the vertical space it occupies. 
            (In my actual presentation, there will be a full-screen 
            figure in this position, 
            and the itemize environment will disappear.
        \item <3-> I want the title to come back