[Tex/LaTex] How to reduce vertical space itemize environment inside table


I have this:

enter image description here

I want for the first item to be vertically aligned with my other cells. How can I do it? The answers provided here suggested to play with topsep and partopsep:

How can I change behaviour of enumitem?

How to get rid of vertical space before and behind the lists

How to reduce space after the end of a tabbing environment

But as you can see in my code, it has no effect:




    \caption{Summary of proven determinants for falling}
        \textbf{Author} &\textbf{Subject count (M:F)} & \centering\arraybackslash\textbf{Determinants}\\

        ? &
        311 (?) &
            \item Posture sway
            \item Two or more falls in previous year
            \item Low hand grip strength
            \item Depressive state of mind


As mentioned in the past questions, I know it is possible to use \setitemize, but I don't want to set this globally, just locally for this table.

Best Answer

enter image description here

In practice I would add \setlength\extrarowheight{3pt} to give a bit of space under the lines.

Never use \\ after \hline it will do the wrong thing.




    \caption{Summary of proven determinants for falling}
        \textbf{Author} &\textbf{Subject count (M:F)} & \centering\arraybackslash\textbf{Determinants}\\
        ? &
        311 (?) &\mbox{}\par\vspace{-\baselineskip}
            \item Posture sway
            \item Two or more falls in previous year
            \item Low hand grip strength
            \item Depressive state of mind

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