[Tex/LaTex] How to reduce name and title font in moderncv on TeX Live 2016


An SO answer suggests that the size of namefont and titlefont can be reduced by replacing 38/40.


A post on latex-community.org suggests that hacking moderncvstylebanking.sty by replacing \huge is the way to do it.


Moderncv has been restructured and the second option no longer applies. The first, used in the following MWE, doesn't work. How can I reduce name and title font in moderncv on TeX Live 2016?


% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/128054/9549

\title{Resumé Title}

\recipient{Bob Inc.}{Bob}
\opening{Dear Bob,}
\closing{Yours truly,}


Best Answer

The \moderncvstyle{banking} also sets these fonts. So issue your font changing after that.
