[Tex/LaTex] How to redefine the \verb|…| command


I'd like to redefine the \verb|...| command so that it had a light-gray background and a little bit darker border around it, and a little bit of padding to make this background "box" noticable. Anyone knows how to do that? If that is not possible to do easily, can I define a new command that acts like \verb|...| and does that?

Best Answer

Update 2011-07-27

As promised the new version of my newverbs package provides two macros to collect verbatim arguments with the \verb|...| syntax but also with { .. }. For typesettable verbatim use \collectverb{\macrowhichgetsitasargument}.

For the requested colored background and frame use the \fcolorbox{<frame color>}{<background color>}{<text>} macro.




The newverbs package allows you to define variations of the \verb command which code placed before and after it. You need to use a savebox for advanced formatting. (I'm planning to also support macros which receive the verbatim text as normal argument in the next version.)






Use the xcolor package to add colors.

The package already provides \fverb (draws a \fbox around it) and \qverb (adds quoting signs) by default.

You could also use the \verb-like \lstinline macro of the listings package. It accepts the many listings options.