[Tex/LaTex] How to put the empty subfloat subcaptions to the right


I'm putting two figures above each other with \subfloat from the subfig package. Their captions are empty as I just want to describe the figures with the main caption, but I still want the (a) and (b) subcaptions to show up, so that I've got something to refer to.

How can I put those tiny subcaptions to the right of the subfloats instead? They're eating my precious vertical space.

Here is a minimal working (but not as I'd like to) example:




    \caption{This is the text that describes \subref{label-1} and \subref{label-2}.}



I started looking at the subcaption package, but it claims to be incompatible with subfig.

Best Answer

You can use the \sidesubfloat command provided by the floatrow package (this, however, will put the subcaptions to the left of the subfloats):



  \caption{Two subfigurfes with their caption beside}\label{fig:test}


enter image description here