[Tex/LaTex] How to put a vertical line through the bullets in a list


I'm migrating a document from InDesign to Latex and can't seem to figure this part out. The title says it all. I've attached an image just in case.

I thought about making a table where each cell contained an itemize and then offset the bullet horizontally onto the border of the table but couldn't find anything on offsetting a bullet (not the text) horizontally.

bulleted list

Best Answer

EDITED to provide rbitemize environment. In this environment, \item will give a radio button with rules atop and below, with the optional argument of \item specifying the number of lines in the \item (if greater than 1).

I name the internal macro \rb, in reference to my code for a "radio button" at How to typeset a radio button?

In the environment, \item is redefined to automatically call upon the internal \rb macro. The \rb macro is basically a stack. At the core (aka anchor) of the stack is a \bullet that is inset inside a scaled \circ. That gives the radio button. But stacked atop and under the radio button are rules. The length rule atop the button is fixed, while the length of rule below the button is affected by the optional argument to the revised \item.

\noindent Here is my itemize:
\item foo
\item[2] bar continuing for an extra line to check if I can extend the 
  vertical bar downward, albeit manually
\item baz
Done with itemize

enter image description here