[Tex/LaTex] How to put a table beside a figure


I want to put a table beside a figure. How do I do this? The closest I've gotten is this:

    \caption{Systematic uncertainty in equipment}
        Torque &  $\pm 0.05\%$\\
        Wind velocity & $\pm 0.1\%$ \\ 
        Air density & $\pm 0.3 \%$ \\
        RPM & $\pm 3$ \\
        Current & $\pm 0.05\%$ \\
        Voltage & $\pm 0.05 \%$ \\
    \caption{Testrig for the wind turbine} % kanskje endres

Best Answer

see, if the following solution can help you:

\usepackage[demo,       % in real document remove this option
\usepackage{capt-of}    % added for figure/table caption
\usepackage{tabularx}   % 

        Torque &  $\pm 0.05\%$\\
        Wind velocity & $\pm 0.1\%$ \\
        Air density & $\pm 0.3 \%$ \\
        RPM & $\pm 3$ \\
        Current & $\pm 0.05\%$ \\
        Voltage & $\pm 0.05 \%$ \\
    \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{bilder/testrig.jpg}     \\
\caption{Systematic uncertainty in equipment}
    \captionof{figure}{Testrig for the wind turbine} % kanskje endres

enter image description here

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