[Tex/LaTex] How to put a quotation box wrapped in text


What is the easiest way to put a box for quotation wrapped within text as we do for figure with wrapfig. Like half-sized box of text in magazines. I am trying float, but I am not sure if it is the best choice for this purpose.

I am looking for a flexible solution: When the box content is long, split the box in two pages (continues to the next page along with the main text).

Best Answer

I might have misunderstood the question... but I think you want to wrap the quotation within text. It can be achieved using wrapfig package.

\usepackage{wrapfig}% http://ctan.org/pkg/wrapfig
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
``Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Proin ac tempus dui. Etiam non mattis neque. Maecenas tempor,
massa a luctus sollicitudin, elit massa auctor velit, eu mattis
lacus arcu nec est. 

Sed et lectus non tellus posuere consequat.
Donec congue lacinia urna a iaculis. Cras id nisl sed sapien
euismod rhoncus.''

enter image description here

If you want the box to span many pages, then the mdframed option suggested in the other answer should be followed.