[Tex/LaTex] How to put a line number with levels in algorithm


\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt, 3p, final, twocolumn, times]{elsarticle}
    \REQUIRE input
    \ENSURE output
    \STATE statement 1
    \FOR {i = 1 to $l$}
    \STATE statement in loop 1
    \STATE statement in loop

I want to add line number in my algorithm and the line number of the statement inside the "for" loop should be 2.1 instead of 3. How should I do? Thank you.

Best Answer

The following does not allow for nesting of loop structures within each other, but provides the sub-numbering of a pseudo-code grouping (like \FOR, \WHILE, \LOOP and \REPEAT):

enter image description here



\xpatchcmd{\algorithmic}% <cmd>
  {\arabic{ALC@line}}% <search>
  {\theALC@line}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>
\xpatchcmd{\algorithmic}{1.2em}{1.5em}{}{}% Increase label width

  \setcounter{parentcounter}{\value{ALC@line}}% Store current line number
  \setcounter{ALC@line}{0}% Restart line counter
  \renewcommand{\theALC@line}{\theparentcounter.\arabic{ALC@line}}% Update printing mechanism
  \setcounter{ALC@line}{\value{parentcounter}}% Restore original line number



    \REQUIRE input
    \ENSURE output
    \STATE statement 1
    \FOR {$i = 1$ to $l$}
      \STATE statement in loop 1
      \STATE statement in loop
    \STATE statement 2
    \WHILE {$i < 10$}
      \STATE statement in loop 1
      \STATE statement in loop
