[Tex/LaTex] How to put a company logo picture beside each experience in a latex resume

alignfloatshorizontal alignmenttablesvertical alignment

I come across a resume online and wonder how to format correctly of putting a company logo picture beside each experience as shown in the screenshot below:

compang logo beside experience

The template used is the well-known res.cls class by Michael DeCorte.

The normal formatting without logo is as below:

% Professional Experience
\section{\mysidestyle Professional\\Experience}
\textbf{Software Engineer} \hfill \textbf{04.2016 - present} \\
Contactor at Google ATAP, Mountain View, CA, USA
Working on .....

My guess is that it uses a tabular to separately display the logo and description in two columns, however, I have the problem to align the logo to center vertically and horizontally.

\begin{tabular}[c]{@{} p{0.5in} p{4.5in} @{}}
    \includegraphics[width=0.4in, height=0.4in]{logo.png} &
    \textbf{Software Engineer} \hfill \textbf{04.2016 - present} \newline
    Contactor at Google ATAP, Mountain View, CA, USA
    Working on .....

How could I achieve the effect I want?

Best Answer

The image would centre horizontally if you used c instead of p{0.5in} for that column and to centre vertically you can use

\raisebox{-.5\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.4in, height=0.4in]{logo.png}}

sometimes some value other than exactly .5 looks better depending on visual effects of the white space in the image and the shape of the adjacent paragraph, just adjust by eye to fit what you need.

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