Multiple Authors – How to Properly Write Multiple Authors in BibTeX


I use Jabref to store all articles I need and bibtex4word add-on (in MS Word) to maintain the reference list. So, I would like to know how to properly fill the "author" field in Jabref with multiple authors to appear them correct in the reference list.

For example, I've got the article with several authors:

E. Orti, J.L. Bredas, C. Clarisse

And I would like them to appear in this manner. But instead I get this:

C. C. E. Orti, J. L. Bredas

Best Answer

The appropriate separator for authors is "and". Comma is used to distinguish first and last name (link):

author = "Orti, E. and Bredas, J.L. and Clarisse, C.",