[Tex/LaTex] How to properly center the table of contents

table of contentstitletoctocloft

I am trying to typeset a book in LaTeX, but I'm having trouble formatting my table of contents. I've been able to center my title and chapter numbers successfully, but I can't figure out how to center the chapter titles and the pages on which chapters start.

This code reproduces the problem:

\usepackage{titletoc, tocloft, lipsum, fmtcount}

% Centers the table of contents title:

% Eliminates the space between the chapter title and the page number:
% ^Puts a small dot between the chapter and the page number.

% Here's where I need help:
% ^Puts the chapter title below the chapter number. How do I increase this space?
% ^Centers the chapter numbers. How do I center the chapter titles/pages?

\chapter{Chapter Title}
\chapter{Another Chapter Title}

Here's a picture:

enter image description here

This is my first time asking a question, so let me know if my MWE is unclear or if I need to provide more information. Thanks!

Best Answer

I found a solution! Huzzah!

As Christian Hupfer and Johannes_B pointed out in the comments, combining scrbook with tocloft and titletoc was a terrible idea; as such, I abandoned my original approach completely and switched my document class to memoir. I suspect such radical revision to solve a single problem is akin to nuking fleas, so I'll leave this question open because there's probably a more elegant solution.

Anyway, here's what I came up with:


% This code centers the table of contents title.

% This code centers the rest of my table of contents. Huzzah!

\setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{10pt} % Controls distance between TOC entries.

\linespread{1.25}\selectfont % Controls line-spacing in the whole document. 

\chapter{Another Title}

Thanks for the help, everyone!