Chapters – How to Produce an Unnumbered Chapter for the Introduction

chaptersnumberingsectioningtable of contents

If I did


then I get Chapter 0 Introduction.
I just want the word Introduction, and I want it also in the contents when I use


How can I do that?

Best Answer

If you're working in the book documentclass, then you should use the starred version of \chapter to obtain a chapter without the counter visible. See

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction} \markboth{INTRODUCTION}{} \lipsum[1-5]
\chapter{First chapter} \lipsum[6-10]
\chapter{Second chapter} \lipsum[11-15]
\chapter{Last chapter} \lipsum[16-20]

The addition of \markboth{...}{...} ensures that the correct page heading is followed as with the other regular (unstarred) \chapter{...} commands.