[Tex/LaTex] How to prevent hyperref package from changing layout (line spacing)


I have a boolean in my LaTeX paper that I use to create a custom author version (including a copyright box and clickable links and references). For the author version, I include the \hyperref package (in the other case, I use \nohyperref, following my earlier question https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/53316/2090).

However, I noticed that, when including hyperref, my layout changes slightly (I blame it on line spacing, but not 100% sure) with the end result that the last lines of my paper get pushed to a new page.

Is there any way to NOT have hyperref influence the layout (line spacing)? Or counteract upon it in an easy way?

The hyperref options I am currently using are below. But even disabling these gives the same result.

    pdfborder={0 0 0},
    colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, urlcolor=blue, citecolor=blue,

Best Answer

Just reporting the workaround I eventually used.
I inserted the command \linespread{0.99} where applicable.

    \linespread{0.99}       % apparently hyperref changes layout for this paper, so adjust slightly
    \usepackage{hyperref}   % for hyper references of citations, sections, etc.
    \linespread{0.99}       % do here also, to have same layout in camready and author version
    \usepackage{nohyperref} % to disable links (EDAS doesn't want them)
    \usepackage{url}        % hyperref includes \url but nohyperref doesn't 
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